34 research outputs found

    DNA dynamics play a role as a basal transcription factor in the positioning and regulation of gene transcription initiation

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    We assess the role of DNA breathing dynamics as a determinant of promoter strength and transcription start site (TSS) location. We compare DNA Langevin dynamic profiles of representative gene promoters, calculated with the extended non-linear PBD model of DNA with experimental data on transcription factor binding and transcriptional activity. Our results demonstrate that DNA dynamic activity at the TSS can be suppressed by mutations that do not affect basal transcription factor binding–DNA contacts. We use this effect to establish the separate contributions of transcription factor binding and DNA dynamics to transcriptional activity. Our results argue against a purely ‘transcription factor-centric’ view of transcription initiation, suggesting that both DNA dynamics and transcription factor binding are necessary conditions for transcription initiation

    Toward a Detailed Description of the Thermally Induced Dynamics of the Core Promoter

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    Establishing the general and promoter-specific mechanistic features of gene transcription initiation requires improved understanding of the sequence-dependent structural/dynamic features of promoter DNA. Experimental data suggest that a spontaneous dsDNA strand separation at the transcriptional start site is likely to be a requirement for transcription initiation in several promoters. Here, we use Langevin molecular dynamic simulations based on the Peyrard-Bishop-Dauxois nonlinear model of DNA (PBD LMD) to analyze the strand separation (bubble) dynamics of 80-bp-long promoter DNA sequences. We derive three dynamic criteria, bubble probability, bubble lifetime, and average strand separation, to characterize bubble formation at the transcriptional start sites of eight mammalian gene promoters. We observe that the most stable dsDNA openings do not necessarily coincide with the most probable openings and the highest average strand displacement, underscoring the advantages of proper molecular dynamic simulations. The dynamic profiles of the tested mammalian promoters differ significantly in overall profile and bubble probability, but the transcriptional start site is often distinguished by large (longer than 10 bp) and long-lived transient openings in the double helix. In support of these results are our experimental transcription data demonstrating that an artificial bubble-containing DNA template is transcribed bidirectionally by human RNA polymerase alone in the absence of any other transcription factors

    DNA Dynamics Is Likely to Be a Factor in the Genomic Nucleotide Repeats Expansions Related to Diseases

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    Trinucleotide repeats sequences (TRS) represent a common type of genomic DNA motif whose expansion is associated with a large number of human diseases. The driving molecular mechanisms of the TRS ongoing dynamic expansion across generations and within tissues and its influence on genomic DNA functions are not well understood. Here we report results for a novel and notable collective breathing behavior of genomic DNA of tandem TRS, leading to propensity for large local DNA transient openings at physiological temperature. Our Langevin molecular dynamics (LMD) and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations demonstrate that the patterns of openings of various TRSs depend specifically on their length. The collective propensity for DNA strand separation of repeated sequences serves as a precursor for outsized intermediate bubble states independently of the G/C-content. We report that repeats have the potential to interfere with the binding of transcription factors to their consensus sequence by altered DNA breathing dynamics in proximity of the binding sites. These observations might influence ongoing attempts to use LMD and MCMC simulations for TRS–related modeling of genomic DNA functionality in elucidating the common denominators of the dynamic TRS expansion mutation with potential therapeutic applications

    Безбедност на VoIP системите

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    Voice over Internet Protocol е термин, односно интернет протокол, кој означува пренос на гласовни комуникации преку Интернетот. VoIP системите обично работат со PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), кој пак овозможува транспарентна телефонска комуникација низ целиот свет. Оваа технологија за пренесување на гласовни разговори преку Интернет до крајните корисници се овозможи во крајот на осумдесеттите години од минатиот век. VoIP системите го пренесуваат говорот како дигиталното аудио, користејќи ја техниката на компресија на говорен податок, пакување на мали единици, обично на десетици милисекунди од говор. Системот е повеќе подложен на застој и на DoS (Denial of Service) напади отколку традиционалните circuit switched системи, бидејќи IP телефоните и IP инфраструктурата се поврзани на рутери или сервери, кои зависат од поставеноста на електронската мрежа или некој друг локален генериран извор на струја, што не е случај кај вообичаените телефони, кои пак при пад на струјата, истите продолжуваат да функционираат преку backup генераторите или батерии лоцирани во телефонските централи. VoIP исто така обезбедува низа на сервиси кои засега можат тешко да се имплементираат, од функционална гледна точка. Потоа, бидејќи UDP не нуди механизам за осигурување на доставувачките пакети во секвенцијален ред, или не нуди сигурносен Quality Of Service – QoS (што е еден од најголемите проблеми на VoIP), VoIP имплементациите се соочуваат со проблемот на латентност, џитер, губење на пакети и ехо. Овој труд дава приказ на проблемите со кои се соочува VoIP и мерки кои можеме да ги превземаме доколку се појави одреден проблем при VoIP комуникацијата